Re: A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data

On 5 January 2013 07:31, Brent Shambaugh <> wrote:

> I think I read somewhere that to meet the challenges of the 21st century
> we must innovate at 1000 times the rate that we did in the 20th century.
> Now the 20th century was impressive. We saw the evolution of the
> automobile, the introduction of the airplane, a man on the moon, the
> internet, the world wide web, the invention of the transistor, etc.
> Unfortunately, most of this innovation is now in academia and it is done by
> people so specialized that frequently they do not understand what others
> are doing. I've read again and again that collaboration is key. But how?

Collaboration is achieved by finding people with similar ideas with a
similar level of readiness.

> In graduate school I frequently checked out books, and looked online at
> things that were outside my field of study. After doing this for a period
> of time, I came to the realization that what I really was doing (and
> desiring) was finding the connections between things. I was mapping things
> out. I also concluded that it was not likely that I would know everything
> in my lifetime even though I may have desired to. So what to do? Enter
> linked data.
> If I could have things organized for my own personal use, it would be
> likely that it would be useful as well to others. Subject areas and
> concepts could be related. Projects could be described in terms of how
> their individual components fit together. Other projects could use common
> terms as well as logic so that it was apparent how they were related.
> People would be more organized, they would get things done faster, and they
> would discover things that they may have never thought of.
> Projects also need to be funded though. And frequently, like projects
> built for Linux, there are projects that depend on other projects.
> Everybody wants to be rewarded, and deserves to. So what could happen if
> someone makes a donation or pays for something? Well, they could help out
> everyone else that made them successful. Enter distributed funding (
> Funding flows from one project to another based on the project's choosing.

Personally I think that both public and private capital allocation could be
modernized in line with the projects that add value.  There is a big
opportunity there, but the policy tends to lag the technology.

> Given the logic is sound, this still is a bit hard for the end-user. A GUI
> could help. There are various means for visual queries such as Viquen (
>, Gruff for AllegroGraph (
>, MashQL (
>, Quelo (
> I believe RDF should be
> visualized, SPARQL (or other) queries should be visualized, and
> construction of ontologies (if possible). I feel I still need to understand
> the mathematics behind these to say much.

Visualization normally helps.

> People may also want this embedded into a front end such as Friendica,
> Diaspora, or Apache Wave. And of course, there needs to be a way to
> federate these.

I'm unsure these systems will ever federate, but live in hope.  The GNU
Consenus project is a new idea hoping to achieve that.

One project I like is:

But there are more..

> Where could this be launched? Small groups. Perhaps a HackerSpace, Fablab,
> or MakerSpace. These people seem to crave something different, and since
> they tend to try to be Renaissance people it just might fly. Of course, you
> still have the selling problem. I've had this problem, but it was mostly
> due to a lack of full understanding of the subject area. So, narrowing
> down, as Eric Ries might suggest, was a bit of a problem. I saw on this
> mailing list that Kingsley Idenhen was trying to convice people to use
> turtle. It's true. It seems a little bit easier to understand than RDF/XML.

I have found the Community group system launched a year ago to be quite
productive.  It's always good to get fresh ideas and perspective tho...

> elf Palvik, it seems we have similar goals. Very similar. I'd love to hear
> more. Thanks elf Palvik and Melvin for your link to the web payments group.
> I'm not certain where it will go, but I'll see what happens. :)
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 9:28 AM, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <
>> wrote:
>> You may have just discovered the hottest new item being kept under wraps,
>> building resilience into all our essential infrastructures and closely
>> emulating the way the Internet is built and works into all other vital
>> infrastructures.
>> cheers
>> Milton Ponson
>> GSM: +297 747 8280
>> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
>> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>> Project Paradigm: A structured approach to bringing the tools for
>> sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide by creating ICT
>> tools for NGOs worldwide and: providing online access to web sites and
>> repositories of data and information for sustainable development
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>>   ------------------------------
>> *From:* Brent Shambaugh <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Monday, December 31, 2012 10:16 PM
>> *Subject:* A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data
>> Dear all,
>> This spring I started a blog that deals with Linked Data, among other
>> things. It is called A Distributed Economy. I am not certain that it will
>> work, or that I even will be able to accomplish it on my own. The exciting
>> thing however, is that I am discovering that a lot of the parts of it are
>> being built. I hope that sharing this blog will be of value to the
>> community. I cannot claim to be an expert. Actually, my formal education is
>> in Chemical Engineering. But it is exciting.
>> It may be found at:
>> If you'd like, please let me know what you think. I'm always trying to
>> discover new things, and discover things I haven't thought of.
>> -Brent

Received on Saturday, 5 January 2013 17:18:54 UTC