question about an example query for LinkedLifeData


I have a question about one of the example queries for the LinkedLifeData site. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask the question. If there is a better place, let me know.

This is one of the sample queries on the SPARQL query page:
SELECT ?drugname ?exclusion ?trial
    ?drug rdf:type drugbank:drugs .
    ?drug drugbank:possibleDiseaseTarget ?disease .
    ?disease diseasome-instance:class <> .
    ?drug skos:exactMatch ?intervention .
    ?intervention rdf:type linkedct:intervention .
    ?trial linkedct:intervention ?intervention .
    ?trial relationontology:hasExclusionCriteria ?exclusionCriteria .
    ?drug rdfs:label ?drugname .
    ?disease rdfs:label ?diseasename .
    ?intervention linkedct:description ?desc .
    ?trial linkedct:brief_title ?trialTitle .
    ?exclusionCriteria skos:prefLabel ?exclusion .

It does not work, because ?trial relationontology:hasExclusionCriteria ?exclusionCritera returns nothing. Exploring the data, I can see no evidence that LinkedCt resources contain this link. Am I doing something wrong? Is this something that was removed from LinkedLifeData? I see many references to similar queries in various presentations about LinkedLifeData, for example, here:

Does anyone know what this link was?

Bonnie MacKellar

Received on Sunday, 24 February 2013 21:31:33 UTC