How can I express containment/composition?


I would like to express a composition relationship. Something like:
A Country consist of Provinces
A Province consists of Municipalities

I thought this should be straightforward because this is a common and 
logical kind of relationship, but I could not find a vocabulary which 
allows be to make this kind of statement. Perhaps I am bad at searching, 
or maybe I did not use the right words.

I did find this document: ("Simple 
part-whole relations in OWL Ontologies"). It explains that OWL has no 
direct support for this kind of relationship and it goes on to give 
examples on how one can create ontologies that do support the 
relationship in one way or the other.

Is there a ready to use ontology/vocabulary out there that can help me 
express containment/composition?

Thanks in advance,

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 12:47:54 UTC