Re: JSON-LD: Skipping keys, but parsing their contents

Hi Gregg,

On 15/12/13 22:33, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2013, at 3:44 AM, Alexander Dutton
>> Is there an answer?
> Unfortunately, no. There is a way to cause a key to be used as an
> index, but it works at a level below _links, in this case (See Data
> Indexing [1]). We did spend some time considering such a mechanism,
> and it would have been useful in some other contexts, but it didn't
> end up being included in the 1.0 spec.

Thanks for confirming what I'd suspected.

Out of interest, is there an issue in GitHub for such a feature? My
Googling didn't turn anything up.

> You might check out JSON-LD Macros [2] as a mechanism for massaging
> your data into place.

Interesting; I'll take a look.

Best regards,


Alexander Dutton
Linked Open Data Architect, Office of the CIO;, OxPoints
IT Services, University of Oxford, ℡ 01865 (6)13483

Received on Monday, 16 December 2013 09:21:54 UTC