Re: Is the same video but in different encodings the owl:sameAs?

On 12/4/13 12:24 PM, Thomas Steiner wrote:
> Hi again,
> Thanks for your reply, Kingsley.
>> <> denotes one entity.
>> <> denotes another.
> We agree on that. I guess my question boils down to "how to avoid
> having to make duplicate statements about each resource"? I cannot
> take your proposed <#CapturedEventNameX> as a "proxy" entity, as it is
> not a video, but an event.
> My argument was more: take any random user and let them view the .ogv
> and the .mp4 versions of the video, and if they say it is the same
> (which random users most probably will do, as the visual and the
> audial contents are the same), the two versions can be considered
> owl:sameAs.

No, otherwise you wouldn't have the literals ".mp4" and ".ogv" in the 
paragraph above. Put differently, try to construct any kind of 
communication (using sentences) that conflates the ".ogv" and ".mp4" 
variants of the video, and the problem will pop up immediately.

You might even start by saying, <video.mp4> is a video I captured the 
other day, but ultimately, <video.ogv> will have to come into the 
communication, once formats become relevant :-)

> One version may, e.g., have more details (say, due to the bit rate)
> than the other, just like the two entities below are considered
> owl:sameAs, even if one _may_ have more, or more accurate, facts than
> the other…
> <> owl:sameAs
> <>

The identifiers above denote the same entity. The chunks that come from 
DBpedia and Freebase  simply create a bigger picture (more connected 
puzzle pieces, so to speak). The semantics or the relation above, the 
content to which the URIs resolve, and the namespaces grounding the URIs 
are all loosely coupled.

> Does that make sense?
> Thanks,
> Tom



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Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 19:03:49 UTC