Is the same video but in different encodings the owl:sameAs?

Dear Public-LOD,

As different Web browsers support different video codecs, with Web
video it is not uncommon to see things like the below (simplified for
legibility reasons)…

    <source src="./video.ogv" type="…">
    <source src="./video.mp4" type="…">

When I want to make statements about the video in question, I have the
problem that the "same" video has two different URIs ([…].mp4,
[…].ogv). So I have to say ("ma:" from the Ontology for Media
Resources [0])…

  <> a ma:MediaResource .
  <> ma:title "Sample Video" .
  <> ma:description "Sample Description" .

…and also…

  <> a ma:MediaResource .
  <> ma:title "Sample Video" .
  <> ma:description "Sample Description" .

Essentially (unless I wanted to introduce something more complex) I am
forced to duplicate all statements I make about both video resources,
where actually I would like to make statements about the video no
matter its encoding.

Long story short, is it too much of a stretch to just say…

 <> owl:sameAs <>

…as to avoid the problem? One issue I see is that, e.g., ma:format
(which makes statements about the MIME type) obviously does not hold
true for both media resources as their MIME types are different.

The implicit (as I read the spec at least) semantics of <video> are
that the given alternatives in the various <source>-s should be the
"same" video, just in different encodings. What I actually wanted
would be something like a canonical URI [1] for a video like
<>, so that one could make statements based on its
canonical URI that would hold true for all representations in
different encodings…

  <> a ma:MediaResource .
  <> ma:title "Sample Video" .
  <> ma:description "Sample Description" .

…which would hold true for   <> and

Thanks for your thoughts.



Thomas Steiner, Employee, Google Inc.,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 15:14:09 UTC