Re: Linked data sets for evaluating interlinking?


Linked Data sets are linked by definition since they use URIs for data as well as meta data identification. What do you exactly mean by linking when you say "I would need pairs of data sets which have been manually linked, or ...". Do you mean data and record linkage as given for example in [1] or something else?

Milorad Tosic
Faculty of Electronic Engineering

University of Nis, Serbia

> From: Cristina Sarasua <>
>Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:06 PM
>Subject: Linked data sets for evaluating interlinking?
>I am looking for pairs of linked data sets that can be used as gold standard for evaluations.  I would need pairs of data sets which have been manually linked, or data sets which have been (semi-)automatically linked with interlinking tools, and afterwards reviewed (to include the links which are not identified by tools). I have looked into the DataHub catalogue and queried VoiD descriptions, but unfortunately the information about how the interlinking process was carried out is often missing.
>Apart from the data sets which have been used in the OAEI-instance
      matching track, could anyone recommend (based on past experience)
      good data sets for evaluating data interlinking processes?
>Thanks in advance.
>Kind regards, 
Cristina Sarasua Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST) Universität Koblenz-Landau
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
Germany e: p: +49 261 287 2772
f: +49 261 287 100 2772

Received on Monday, 26 August 2013 06:48:07 UTC