Outdated linkeddata.org website


I was wondering if we could make http://linkeddata.org/ a bit more open &
community friendly. Currently I find its contents a bit outdated. For
example, the Research page only contains content from 2009. I think a
"Community" page is missing where we could have links to G+, Twitter and
IRC communities. Also we could have a page for Meetups and conferences
around LOD.

I find the OpenID log in to be a bit unfriendly. There's many people who
have never heard of this technology, and it is a bit overwhelming to have
to copy & paste an OpenID url in order to log in to the website.

Tom Heath seems to be the administrator, so perhaps we can discuss about a
better Wiki system for the site? Maybe Semantic Wiki ;)?

Let me know what you think!


Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 17:07:19 UTC