Re: Public SPARQL endpoints:managing (mis)-use and communicating limits to users.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Andrea Splendiani
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that some caching with a minimum of query rewriting would get read of 90% of the select{?s ?p ?o} where {?s?p ?o} queries.
> From a user perspective, I would rather have a clear result code upfront telling me: your query is to heavy, not enough resources and so on, than partial results + extra codes. I won't do much of partial results anyway... so it's time wasted both sides.
> One empiric solution could be to assign a quota per requesting IP (or other form of identification). Then one could restrict the total amount of resource per time-frame, possibly with smart policies. It would also avoid people breaking big queries in many small ones...
> But I was wondering: why is resource consumption a problem for sparql endpoint providers, and not for other "providers" on the web ? (say, YouTube, Google, ...).
> Is it the unpredictability of the resources needed ?

I've been exploring both 4store clustering  and using concurrent
Erlang (OTP). I've not found much in the Erlang realm (if anyone has
knowledge please let me know). 4store looks promising.

> best,
> Andrea

Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 13:56:23 UTC