Public SPARQL endpoints:managing (mis)-use and communicating limits to users.

Hi All,

Managing a public SPARQL endpoint has some difficulties in comparison to managing a simpler REST api.
Instead of counting api calls or external bandwidth use we need to look at internal IO and CPU usage as well.

Many of the current public SPARQL endpoints limit all their users to queries of limited CPU time.
But this is not enough to really manage (mis) use of an endpoint. Also the SPARQL api being http based
suffers from the problem that we first send the status code and may only find out later that we can't
answer the query after all. Leading to a 200 not OK problem :(

What approaches can we come up with as a community to embedded resource limit exceeded exceptions in the 
SPARQL protocols. e.g. we could add an exception element to the sparql xml result format.[1]

The current limits to CPU use are not enough to really avoid misuse. Which is why I submitted a patch to
Sesame that allows limits on memory use as well. Although limits on disk seeks or other IO counts may be needed by some as well.

But these are currently hard limits what I really want is 
"playground limits" i.e. you can use the swing as much as you want if you are the only child in the park. 
Once there are more children you have to share. 

And how do we communicate this to our users. i.e. this result set is incomplete because you exceeded your IO
quota please break up your queries in smaller blocks. 

For my day job where I do manage a 7.4 billion triple store with public access some extra tools in managing users would be 

Last but not least how can we avoid that users need to run SELECT (COUNT(DISTINT(?s) as ?sc} WHERE {?s ?p ?o} and friends.
For I have been moving much of this information into the sparql endpoint description but its not a place
where people look for this information.


[1] Yeah these ideas are not great timing just after 1.1 but we can always start SPARQL 1.2 ;)

Jerven Bolleman              
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics      Tel: +41 (0)22 379 58 85
CMU, rue Michel Servet 1               Fax: +41 (0)22 379 58 58
1211 Geneve 4,
Switzerland -
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Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 11:54:28 UTC