Re: Expensive links in Linked Data

Why introduce a non-canonical NIR identifier and yet another sameAs link? There's no need to include a complete description when you resolve the identifier, a seeAlso IR link would suffice (wouldn't it?)


----- Reply message -----
From: "Heiko Paulheim" <>
Date: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 15:41
Subject: Expensive links in Linked Data
To: <>, <>

Hi Francois-Paul,

how about that solution:

You publish the "cheap" data about your entity under, which is the "official" URI of that entity:
ex:e0 owl:sameAs ex:e0expensive
ex:e0 :cheapProp ...

And under, you publish
ex:e0expensive owl:sameAs ex:e0
ex:e0expensive :expensiveProp ...

So people following links in LOD will always land at a page without the 
expensive properties, and those who really want to know can follow the 
sameAs link.

Does that solve your problem?


Am 28.09.2012 16:32, schrieb SERVANT Francois-Paul:
> Hi,
> How do you include links to results of computations in Linked Data?
> For instance, you publish data about entities of a given class. A property, let's call it :expensiveProp, has this class as domain, and you know that computing or publishing the corresponding triples is expensive. In such a case, you don't want to produce these triples each time one of your entities is accessed. You want to include in the representation of your entity only a link to that information.
> A no-brainer, at first sight.
> Are there any recommended ways to proceed?
> fps
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Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Knowledge Engineering Group
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 6634
Fax:   +49 6151 16 5482

Received on Friday, 28 September 2012 15:00:17 UTC