- From: Barry Norton <barry.norton@ontotext.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 15:26:17 +0100
- To: public-lod community <public-lod@w3.org>, Semantic Web <semantic-web@w3.org>
With the usual apologies for cross-posting, we would like to introduce the EUCLID project (http://euclid-project.eu/). This project, funded by the European Commission, is established to develop an educational curriculum, and learning materials (webinars, online assignments and a developing eBook) for data practitioners with a major emphasis on Linked Data. While this contribution fits within a non-empty space we aim to distinguish ourselves in a number of ways: * the curriculum will be defined by an open and feedback-driven process; * the curriculum will extend beyond the basics of semantics into topics like mining and visualisation; * slides, etc., produced for presentation will be Creative Commons licensed with no restriction (other than attribution) on adaptation and commercial use; * the curriculum and materials will feature proprietary solutions only even-handedly (not promoting a single company's products) and will prominently present open source offerings. With this in mind, EUCLID project makes two invitations. A live webinar, with Twitter-based questions section, will be offered at 13h00 GMT on 1st October. The project will be introduced and basic Semantics and Linked Data technologies presented. As a partner of the EUCLID project, Ontotext will offer a free and non-proprietary training session, including EUCLID training material, on 20th September at next week's SemTech London conference (immediately following the conference, at the same venue, at 17h30 until 19h30). Ontotext will also offer a commercial training course, developing those themes using the OWLIM semantic database, on the following day, 21st September from 09h00 - this is in keeping with the aims of EUCLID to facilitate commercial exploitation. Details of next weeks events are available at: https://confluence.ontotext.com/display/training/Semantic+Technologies+Introduction+-+SemTech+London+2012 and https://confluence.ontotext.com/display/training/Semantic+Technologies+with+OWLIM+-+SemTech+London+2012 Further details on next month's webinar will follow. In the mean time, please feel free to follow us, for further announcements, via Twitter: https://twitter.com/euclid_project Barry
Received on Thursday, 13 September 2012 14:26:56 UTC