Survey on SPARQL query verbalization - please participate

Dear all,

we are working on an approach to verbalize SPARQL queries [1, 2].
These natural language expressions are (expected to be) readable and 
understandable by the human day-to-day user.
They are helpful for example when having search engines that generate 
SPARQL queries for user-provided natural language questions or keywords.
Displaying verbalizations of generated queries to a user enables the 
user to check whether the right question has been understood.

In order to evaluate our results we would like to ask you to participate 
in our evaluation.
Answering a questionnaire won't consume much of your time - in a 
questionnaire you evaluate a set of 15 verbalizations.

This link takes you to the list of questionnaires. Choose among those 
that are still open:

Your help is very much appreciated,
Best regards,


Received on Saturday, 17 November 2012 11:44:26 UTC