Re: [Freebase-discuss] :BaseKB EA 2 and basekb-tools released

On 5/24/12 4:42 PM, Paul A. Houle wrote:
>        We're proud to announce the immediate availability of :BaseKB
> Early Access 2
>       The EA2 release fixes a number of problems in EA1,  most
> particularly,  problems that affected name resolution.  EA2 also comes
> with the initial release of basekb-tools:
>       an open-source package that implements the name resolution behavior
> of the proprietary MQL query engine for SPARQL.  Put simply,
> basekb-tools takes a readable query like
> select ?date {
>      graph public:baseKB {
>         basekb:en.united_states
> basekb:location.dated_location.date_founded ?date .
> }
> }
> and rewrites it it with identifiers that satisfy the unique name assumption
> select ?date {
>     graph public:baseKB {
>       basekb:m.09c7w0 basekb:m.035qyst ?date .
> }
> }
> This "grounding" process is the key innovation that makes :BaseKB the
> first correct RDFization of Freebase.  :BaseKB covers the intersection
> of Freebase and Wikipedia and, like the Freebase quad dump,  is
> available freely under a CC-BY license.
> By installing :BaseKB in a triple store and using basekb-tools,  you can
> write queries against Freebase using the industry-standard SPARQL 1.1
> language.  basekb-tools contains a test suite that confirms the
> correctness of of the knowledge base and compatibility with your triple
> store.  We believe that this kind of test suite is a practical answer to
> pressing problems of Proof and Trust in the semantic web.
> ":BaseKB is an important milestone for both Freebase and the Semantic
> Web," says Ontology2 founder Paul Houle, ":BaseKB opens Freebase to
> users of SPARQL and other RDF standards.  The superior quality of
> Freebase data solves data quality problems that have,  so far,
> frustrated Linked Data applications."
> Ontology2 founder Paul Houle will be speaking at the SemTechBiz
> converence in San Francisco on June 7.  His talk,  "Linked Data, Free
> Pictures, and Markets for Semantic Data" will cover Ookaboo,  :BaseKB
> and how they fit into the rapidly emerging semantic-social ecosystem.
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Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 21:30:44 UTC