Re: looking for skos vocabularies

Hi Christian,

I guess by now you should have received enough links :-)
Many of them are actually findable by starting from the official SKOS site at W3C:

By the way seems not to work at the time I'm writing this email, but this is the case for the entire SW wiki. I guess this will be fixed soon, please be patient...

One final note, if you have additional question on SKOS: there's a specific mailing list at . The LOD list is good, but the SKOS list would be more a fit if you have specific question on the SKOS vocabulary itself!



> Hi,
> I've been looking for same example of skos vocabulary to use as a real world test case in a project.
> Surprisingly I cannot find so much someone know about an archive of skos vocabularies or some good example of skos in use?
> I'm starting to people using skos out there?
> best,
> Christian

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 09:53:29 UTC