Re: Vocabulary for Research/Education institutions?

Dear Daniel,

Did you see yet? It is a (still) small 
group of people involved with linked educational/institutional data.

There is a page Vocabularies [1] that lists some useful vocabularies. It 
has the AIISO ontology [2], which could be what you're looking for.
And today, the second email was sent to their list [3]. (I'm just on 
that list, not really involved with publishing institutional data myself.)




On 9-5-2012 18:12, Daniel Schwabe wrote:
> Dear all,
> As many of you have already done, we are also in the process of turning
> our institutional data into linked data. Whereas there is a pretty good
> vocabulary for publications (BIBO), we haven't found one to describe
> academic/research institutions (e.g., Universities, Colleges, etc...).
> We know there are "ad hoc" solutions, but no "general" one(s) that could
> be re-used by many...
> Can somebody point us to some references?
> Thanks!
> Daniel
> ---
> Daniel Schwabe Dept. de Informatica, PUC-Rio
> Tel:+55-21-3527 1500 r. 4356 R. M. de S. Vicente, 225<br>
> Fax: +55-21-3527 1530 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brasil

Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 21:28:05 UTC