UMAP 2012: Workshop on Augmented User Modeling (AUM) +1

2nd International Workshop on:

** Augmented User Modeling **

In conjunction with UMAP 2012
20th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Montreal, Canada, 16 - 20 July 2012

* 13 May:     Submission deadline (23:59 pm Hawaiian time)
* 11 June:    Notification of acceptance
* 18 June:    Camera-ready paper
* 17 July: AUM workshop

The digital world and the physical world become more and more connected:
our interaction with computer systems has impact on our activities and
experiences and vice versa. This changes the way we use technologies and
opens up new opportunities for personalization and adaptation.

The time is ripe for developing new adaptation paradigms that exploit
sensor data and other digital traces of our activities to extend users'
personalized experience by connecting the digital, social and physical

Technological advancements in various areas - such as location tracking,
RFID, media aggregation and retrieval, information extraction, opinion
mining, social signal processing, intelligent media annotation and semantic
alignment - make it now possible to automate the processing of digital
traces to enrich the system's understanding about users' experiences in the
physical world. These technological developments bring new opportunities to
the user modeling community, and at the same time, open up new
technological, social, and ethical challenges.

The AUM workshop aims to create a forum for academic and industrial
researchers and practitioners to discuss augmented user modeling from three

* User Modeling: methods and techniques for analyzing digital traces to
capture, represent and connect user experiences.
* Alignment: methods and techniques for augmenting user models by aligning
heterogenous user data traces.
* Applications: personalization and adaptation approaches and application
areas which can benefit from augmented user models.

Further details:

We welcome the following types of contributions.

* Short (up to 6 pages) and full (up to 12 pages) research papers
* Demo papers (system demonstrations) and position statements (3 pages)

A more detailed Call for Papers and submission instructions can be found at
the AUM website:

* Fabian Abel (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)
* Vania Dimitrova (School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK)
* Eelco Herder (L3S Research Center, Germany)
* Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands)

* Mohammad Alrifai
* Ahmad Ammari
* Lora Aroyo
* Adriana Berlanga
* Marcel Berthold
* Kalina Bontcheva
* Federica Cena
* Owen Conlan
* Declan Dagger
* Qi Gao
* Dominikus Heckmann
* Nicola Henze
* Laura Hollink
* Anthony Jameson
* Judy Kay
* Alfred Kobsa
* Tobias Ley
* Stefanie Lindstaedt
* Adam Moore
* Christina Steiner
* Dhavalkumar Thakker
* Michael Yudelson

For further questions please contact us at

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 12:10:38 UTC