Re: Layered Data

My guess would be that a database view would look ... wait for it ... like a database view :o)
The D2R server has a RDB back end. you can run queries directly (or make them views or stored procedures). For example[1].

MeSH is a controlled vocabulary (Medical Subject Headings), and they offer the same sort of tree[2].  Mine is linked to the LOC ID Servers.  It could just as easily be linked to dbpedia resources.


 From: Leigh Dodds <>
To: public-lod community <> 
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2012 3:12 AM
Subject: Layered Data

I've written up some thoughts on considering datasets as "layers" that
can be combined to create useful aggregations. The concept originated
with Dan Brickley and I see the RDF WG are considering the term as an
alternative to "named graph". My own usage is more general. I thought
I'd share a link here to see what people thought.

The paper is at:

And a blog post with some commentary here:



Received on Friday, 4 May 2012 19:48:46 UTC