Re: From Open Database Connectivity to Open Data Connectivity

On 3/30/12 5:47 PM, Barry Norton wrote:
> On 30/03/2012 22:37, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 3/30/12 5:08 PM, Barry Norton wrote:
>>> I'd like to see something like "saves you from having to re-invent 
>>> keys".
>> Linked Data does just that.
> Precisely. But I wouldn't (with my old ODBC developer hat on) have got 
> it from your text.
> (I understand that it's a different thing you were aiming at with the 
> mention of URIBurner, and...)
>> What I didn't go into (deliberately) in the post is the ability to 
>> build Linked Data views over relational data sources using R2RML [3].
> Also true. In this context that could be a lot more comprehensible and 
> relevant (not putting down URIBurner and similar services).
But note, the sponger cartridges are just drivers for turning basic Web 
resources into linked data i.e., making any Web resource a structured 
query target via SQL, SPARQL, or SPASQL (mix of both query langauges). 
The end product is keys (in the form of Linked Data URIs) for all the 
data in those data spaces.
> Barry
Okay, I'll tweak the post or make an R2RML specific post showing how 
that completes the journey to a new and extremely powerful DBMS 
exploitation frontier in the form of RDBMS agnostic views. These views 
expose the historically under exploited Intensional aspect of DBMS 
technology, across disparate RDBMS engines :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Friday, 30 March 2012 21:59:46 UTC