[ANN] D2RQ v0.8.1 released - supports W3C Direct Mapping and VoID

Today we have released D2RQ v0.8.1.

D2RQ is an open-source system for accessing relational databases as virtual, read-only RDF graphs. Using D2RQ you can query relational databases using SPARQL, access their contents as Linked Data over the Web, create custom dumps of the database for loading into an RDF store, and access them as RDF using the Apache Jena API.

This release adds support for W3C's Direct Mapping [1], a new d2r-query script for command-line SPARQL querying, a comprehensive set of options for including or excluding specific tables and columns, metadata for each resource and the entire dataset in D2R Server (including VoID [2] support), an option for specifying SPARQL query timeouts, and D2R Server default settings that work better for large databases. See [3] for the full list of changes.

You can download the latest release from http://d2rq.org/ .

The release incorporates patches submitted by Luis Eufrasio, Hannes Mühleisen, Jacobus Geluk and Giovanni Mels. Thank you!

Work on this release has been possible thanks to the support of UCB. It's part of an ongoing collaboration between DERI and UCB - see [4] for more information.

All the best,
Richard and Aftab

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdb-direct-mapping/
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/void/
[3] https://github.com/d2rq/d2rq/blob/9605a30e75be606c022dcd21b11e3b4fc3671cc4/RELEASE_NOTES.md
[4] http://www.ucbpharma.co.uk/_up/ucbpharma_co_uk/documents/UCB_DERI.pdf

Received on Friday, 22 June 2012 10:49:55 UTC