RE: qSKOS 0.9, a tool for SKOS quality assessment


Validating LD vocabularies and datasets is an ever more important topic in LD. Here's  a link to our related Skosify system (2011) available in Google Code 

Results of evaluating 14 major SKOS vocabularies with it (LCSH, MeSH, etc.), using different criteria published by the SKOS recommendation, Poolparty, and Christian's qSKOS, showed that most of them contain structural errors [1], which is a bit alarming ...

Osma Suominen, Eero Hyvönen, Proceedings of  EKAW 2012, Galway, Ireland, Springer-Verlag, 2012 (forth-coming)

Best regards - terveisin

Eero Hyvönen, Professor, Research Director 
Aalto University and University of Helsinki
Department of Media Technology 
Semantic Computing Research Group 
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Mader []
> Sent: 19. kesäkuuta 2012 16:43
> To:
> Subject: ANN: qSKOS 0.9, a tool for SKOS quality assessment
> Hi All,
> We are happy to announce the release of qSKOS 0.9 [1], a Java library
> for quality assessment of SKOS vocabularies. It relies on a catalog of
> quality issues [2] that are based on existing literature as well as on
> expert feedback. From this catalog, automatically assessable quality
> functions have been created that can be applied on any vocabulary using
> the SKOS ontology.
> The findings can be used for supporting taxonomists to spot possible
> shortcomings and mistakes in their vocabularies.
> Further information about the quality issues, including a survey of 15
> SKOS vocabularies using qSKOS quality assessment can be found in our
> TPDL2012 paper [3].
> The qSKOS sourcecode is freely available under a Creative Commons
> license. Any comments, bug reports and suggestions for new features are
> very much appreciated!
> best,
> Christian
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Research Group Multimedia Information Systems Faculty of Computer
> Science University of Vienna

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2012 16:51:08 UTC