Re: Knowledge Graph links to Freebase

Great detective work!
Actually, (apart from systems that don't have base64), I think you will find there are some characters at the start of the id file that include backspace - can't imagine why they would do that!

Anyway, as it is Sunday of a holiday weekend:
(It's not pretty, as it probably isn't useful - if someone wants it to do something else I can change it).


On 3 Jun 2012, at 15:05, Andreas Thalhammer wrote:

> Dear all,
> I want to take the opportunity to present my findings after analysing the patterns of Google's Knowledge Graph.
> Each summary has a unique identifier. This identifier is used when linking to other entities, e.g.
> stands for the summary of Steve Jobs.
> The URI to get the summary is
> I found out that this key is created with 2 tools, namely base64 and gzip.
> We can use this key to find out what the original content was (hoping to find a link to Freebase).
> The way to go is the following:
> 1. Store the identifier above (H4sl..) in a file, e.g. id.b64
> 2. console:$ base64 -d id.b64 > id.gz
> 3. console:$ gunzip id.gz
> 4. console:$ cat id
> --> /m/06y3r
> Now, add the freebase namespace to that:
> This redirects to:
> Have a nice Sunday!
> Andreas
> -- 
> Andreas Thalhammer
> PhD Student
> Semantic Technology Institute
> University of Innsbruck
> phone: +43 (0) 512507 6454
> email:

Hugh Glaser,  
             Web and Internet Science
             Electronics and Computer Science,
             University of Southampton,
             Southampton SO17 1BJ
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Received on Sunday, 3 June 2012 20:26:00 UTC