Re: How to model the content from a document?

Hi Leyla,

Please have a look at following ontologies:
Declaring e.g.
It depends on the abovementioned ontology.
Declaring e.g.
It depends on the abovementioned ontologies.
Declaring e.g.
doc:Content	rdfs:subClassOf irw:InformationResource.


On 03 Jul 2012, at 11:24, Leyla Jael García Castro wrote:

> Hi all, 
> I am modelling the structure and content of document. I am using DoCO ( for the structure, i.e. Section, Paragraph, etc.
> Now I need to model the actual content in a paragraph, meaning the text in it. Here an example:
> <myDocumentURI> pattern:contains [ a doco:Section
> 	; pattern:contains [ a doco:Paragraph
> 		; -content property- "This is the text in the paragraph." ] ] .
> What would be the best approach to do that? bibo:content ( is deprecated so I do not want to use that one; the recommendation there is to use rdf:value, that would be an alternative. sioc:content is another alternative. It could also be c4o:hasContent ( I guess there are also other alternatives out there.
> Which one would be the best alternative? Any suggestions?
> Thanks so much, 
> lj

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2012 09:47:53 UTC