On 1/17/12 1:02 PM, Mauricio wrote:
> If the data portion of DBPedia goes black, there will be no
> information on WHY it has gone black and there will be no mention of
> SOPA, so there will be no action taken on the part of humans. Yes,
> humans eventually see the data that the machines get from DBPedia, but
> if the data portion of DBPedia goes black, the applications that use
> it as a datasource will probably just say DBPedia is down, or that
> data is unavailable; no mention will be made about SOPA.
> what if dbpedia keep only a small dataset containing only the data about..
> describe <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act>
> cheers,
> Mauricio Chicalski
We can do many things, once we agree to participate in the protest
action etc..
Kingsley Idehen
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