Re: brief description of my projet to join LOD

Hi Diana,
Thanks for both the announcement & brief description of your work on this list, great to hear.

If you haven't already checked into this resource, I encourage you to follow the checklist for being added to the LOD Cloud diagram that is The diagram is maintained by Richard Cyganiak (DERI, NUI Galway) and Anja Jentzsch (Freie Universität Berlin).[1]

Some other ideas to help get the word out is drawn from the draft Linked Data Cookbook [2]. The following is general advice:
Publish a human-readable description of the data;
Publish the schema as a VoID description;
List your data set on CKAN; which is an open registry of data and content packages. See the Guidelines for Collecting Metadata on Linked Datasets in CKAN for further details. It will be reviewed and added to the CKAN lodcloud group and will be updated on the next version of the diagram.
Submit your data set to semantic search engines such as PingTheSemanticWeb (PTSW), Sindice, and Swoogle to help people find your published Linked Data;
Inform the Linked Data developer community mailing list of the existence of the data set;
Announce your data set to search engines by opting in where required, adding RDFa hints for improved layout in search results; and
Include a SPARQL endpoint for all or some of your data, if possible. Making RDF dumps available is strongly recommended to minimize the burden of web crawlers on the SPARQL endpoint.



Bernadette Hyland, co-chair 
W3C Government Linked Data Working Group

On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Diana Oliveira wrote:

> Dear Members of the LOD mailing List,
> My name is Diana Magalhaes de Oliveira and I am an Associate Professor (and also a Principal Investigator) at the State University of Ceara (UECE - in Fortaleza, Brazil. My main research interests cover bioinformatics methods to analyze genomics data.
> As suggested, I am sending an attached file with a brief description of my projet to be added to LOD.
> Thanks a lot,
> Best Wishes,
> Diana
> _______________________________________________
> Diana Magalhaes de Oliveira, Associate Professor and Principal Investigator
> Universidade Estadual do Ceara - UECE
> Av. Paranjana, 1700 - Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, CE 60824-050 Brasil 
> Tel: 55-85-3101-9644
> Mobile: 55-85-9600-9982
> E-mail: 
> WebID/OpenID URL:
> CV: 
> <Human Imprintome Project Description for LOD.pdf>

Received on Monday, 20 February 2012 19:18:33 UTC