Dutch City Launches Data Platform

Of interest to us all in the gov't LOD community ...

    "First of its kind in the Netherlands. Code to be released in April ... The publishing platform has been build using PostgresSQL and the Ariadne CMS, and will be released as an open source package, so other municipalities may use it, on April 19th ... From that data server data sets are published, offering re-users various data formats and methods to get the data. Unique and predictable URLs are used, so re-users can get the data the way they want it with one call to the server."

see: http://epsiplatform.eu/content/dutch-city-launches-data-platform

Anyone on this list working on this project or know more?  Looks really interesting & useful IMO.


Bernadette Hyland
co-chair W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
Charter: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2012 17:25:48 UTC