Re: [Ann] LODStats - Real-time Data Web Statistics

Am 02.02.2012 12:18, schrieb Michael Hausenblas:
>> We are happy to announce the first public *release of LODStats*.
> Very nice! Does it output VoID [1]? Didn't find it skimming the source ...

It does, might not be directly linked yet, but we will add the links soon.
However, not all LODStats staistics can be represented using VoID, which
is why we suggest to add another property to VoID allowing to attach
DataCubes to a VoID descriptions.
You can find the detail in our technical report - would be creat, if
such a property would find its way into the next revision of DataCube ;-)

Thanks for the encouraging comments,


Received on Thursday, 2 February 2012 11:59:06 UTC