European Data Forum 2013 - Call for Contribution

Dear all, 
(apologise for cross posting) 

please find as follows the information about the just published Call for Contribution for the European Data Forum 2013 
- the EDF2013 will take place from 09-10 April 2013 in Dublin, Ireland! 


European Data Forum 2013 - Call for Contribution 

The European Data Forum (EDF) is a regularly scheduled (yearly) meeting place for industry, research, policy makers, and community initiatives to discuss the challenges and opportunities of (Big) Data in Europe. These aspects have both a technical (in terms of technology and infrastructure needed to master the volumes, heterogeneity, and dynamicity of Big Data), and a socio-economic component (speaking about emerging types of products and services and their commercialization, innovation and business models, but also policies and regulations). 

Our aim is to bring together all stakeholders involved in the data value chain to exchange ideas and develop actionable roadmaps addressing these challenges and opportunities in order to strengthen the European data economy and its positioning worldwide. The roadmaps will be offered as a contribution to the definition of research, development, and policy activities at the level of the European Union institutions and those of its member states. 

An equally important goal of the European Data Forum is to create and foster a truly European Big Data community. This emerging community will enable promising ideas to move from the stage of research questions all the way to successful deployment and the acquisition of capital; in the same time, its stakeholders will mutually reinforce commercial strategies that require a forward-looking, dynamic, and well-integrated EU-wide industry and venture capital. 

The next edition of the EDF will be held in Dublin, Ireland on April 9-10, 2013. The program will consist of a mixture of presentations and networking sessions by industry, academics, policy makers, and community initiatives on topics ranging from research and technology development, to training and knowledge transfer, and commercialization. 

We are seeking inspiring presentations addressing fundamental technical, application, socio-economic and policy-related topics related to Big Data management and analytics. The presentations will vary in format and focus depending on the main expected audience and their contributors. They will be reviewed by the Organization Committee of the Forum according to their relevance to the scope and purpose of the event and the specific topics we foresee to target, which are listed in the following: 

    • Is the European economy ready for Big Data? (novel innovation and business models for open and Linked Data, platforms and marketplaces, policies, strategies for the development of data ecosystems) What are specifically European challenges and opportunities in this space? In particular, we invite talks on developments, case studies, and experience reports related to the legal environment, as well as privacy and provenance issues rising in this new context. 

Are we reaching out to relevant stakeholders? (application scenarios and specific technical and non-technical requirements of Big Data providers and consumers in sectors such as Smart Cities, Environmental Research, Geo-Spatial Information, eScience, social media) Again, the 2013 edition of the EDF particularly welcomes presentations addressing not just the R&D component of these scenarios, but foremost issues related to privacy and access control, and the broader impact of these exciting developments on the civil society. 

What does Europe provide in terms of innovative Business Intelligence solutions (SMEs and other technology providers offering tools to make use of Big Data, taking into account issues such as heterogeneity, quality, reliability etc) and what is or should be its competitive advantage in this domain? In connection to this third dimension, we invite talks proposing or reporting on research agendas and roadmaps for science, technology and innovation, in particular in related to research framework programmes such as Horizon 2020, as well as framework conditions which are essential for meeting Europe's ambitions towards a profitable data economy. Examples of such conditions include standardization needs and current activities, the development of curricula for professional training, and commercialization opportunities. 

We distinguish between the following presentations opportunities: 

    • Presentations with a practical, industry- or user-oriented focus by representatives of technology providers, adopters, and user organizations. 
    • Presentations with a theoretical or technical, but rather research-oriented focus by representatives of academia and research centers. 
    • Presentations with a specific focus on impact-creation activities including policy development, roadmapping, standardization, exploitation and training. 

Each proposal for a presentation will have to provide the following information: 

    • Type of presentation proposed 
    • Title of the presentation 
    • Summary of the presentation (100 words) 
    • Extended abstract of the presentation (4000 words, only for research contributions) 
    • Presenters' short biography 

Submissions should be sent via mail to : 
The deadline for submissions is : 22nd Feb 2013, 02.00pm CET 
Details on the Call for Contribution : 

Further Information about the European Data Forum 
EDF2013 website: 
Overall EDF website: 
LinkedIn Group: 
hashtag: #EDF2013 

Martin Kaltenböck, CMC 
Managing Partner, CFO 

Semantic Web Company (SWC) 
Mariahilfer Strasse 70 / 8 
A - 1070 Vienna, Austria 
Tel +43 1 402 12 35 - 25 
Fax +43 1 402 12 35 - 22 
Mobile +43 650 3905697 

LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - 

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 13:25:24 UTC