Re: Facebook Linked Data

Hello All, 

Been away from emails for the last few days, and got beaten to it by a better man. Melvin++. 

> WOW!
> One small step for a facebook.  One giant leap for the (semantic) Web!
>> Jesse Weaver
>> Ph.D. Student, Patroon Fellow
>> Tetherless World Constellation
>> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

And I should add, Jesse Weaver++, and a big web-based high-five to Facebook where it is due. 

This is great news for the community, and a big show of support for the work undertaken over years. Great job and a thank you to all involved. 

What next, did someone say something about the speed of light?


Received on Monday, 26 September 2011 23:04:49 UTC