Re: Facebook Linked Data

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Sebastian Schaffert
<> wrote:
> the point here is that this "philosophical" discussion...

I did not see anything philosophical in the discussion. I am confused
by that statement.

> When I request a Linked Data resource, I expect what comes back to describe what I requested. Otherwise, I as a developer have no way of knowing how I should access the data: when I request a resource that is a document and I get back a description of a person (i.e. other subject) how should I know where to start?

It looks to me as though you received exactly what Jesse described in
his announcement...

"If you don't have a vanity URL but know your Facebook ID, you can use
that instead (which is actually the fundamental method)."

> Developers need well-defined behaviour, and not "this service does it like this, and that service does it like that". This is not the interoperability promise the Semantic Web gives.

Certainly greater levels of compatibility will take time across the
wide-open internet. But this message seems to be saying, "I did not
heed the description of the service as it was announced, and the
result surprised me, therefore the service is not practical"???


Received on Monday, 26 September 2011 21:37:52 UTC