Updates on ISWC 2011

Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to share 5 things about ISWC 2011

1) The program is ready! Check it out:
2) We will be hosting a very cool panel: Semantic Web Death Match 2011:
Industry vs Academia vs Standards. The panelist will be Michael Hausenblas,
Martin Hepp, Ian Horrocks and Chris Welty. Jim Hendler will be the
moderator. You don't want to miss this!
3) If you are planning to submit to the Outrageous Track (
http://iswc2011.semanticweb.org/calls/outrageous-ideas-track/), the deadline
is this Friday, Sept 23.
4) The deadline for the Semantic Web Challenge is September 30.
5) We will be organizing the Linked Data-a-thon which is a hackathon style
event that starts on Oct 1 and goes till Oct 15. More details:

Looking forward to seeing a lot of people in Bonn!

Juan Sequeda

Received on Tuesday, 20 September 2011 06:31:01 UTC