Accepted Papers: The 2nd Int. Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2011) at ISWC 2011


We are happy to announce the following list of accepted papers for the
2nd International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2011) [1].

Full Research Papers:
* One Query to Bind Them All (Daniel M. Herzig and Thanh Tran)

* LODWheel – JavaScript-based Visualization of RDF Data (Magnus Stuhr, Dumitru 
Roman and David Norheim)

* Extracting core knowledge from Linked Data (Valentina Presutti, Lora Aroyo, 
Alessandro Adamou, Balthasar Schopman, Aldo Gangemi and Guus Schreiber)

* Crowdsourcing tasks within Linked Data management (Elena Simperl, Barry 
Norton and Denny Vrandecic)

* Extracting Structure and Information from Distributed Linked Data for 
Statistical Analysis (Benjamin Zapilko and Brigitte Mathiak)

* Incremental SPARQL Evaluation for Query Answering on Linked Data (Florian 

* Consuming Linked Data within a Large Educational Organization (Fouad 
Zablith, Mathieu D'Aquin, Stuart Brown and Liam Green-Hughes)

* Identifying Information Needs by Modelling Collective Query Patterns 
(Khadija Elbedweihy, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Amparo E. Cano, Stuart N. Wrigley and 
Fabio Ciravegna)

* Using Tag Clouds to Quickly Discover Patterns in Linked Data Sets (Xingjian 
Zhang and Jeff Heflin)

* SPLENDID: SPARQL Endpoint Federation Exploiting VOID Descriptions (Olaf 
Görlitz and Steffen Staab)

System Papers:
* LDIF - Linked Data Integration Framework (Andreas Schultz, Andrea Matteini, 
Robert Isele, Christian Bizer and Christian Becker)

* The Information Workbench as a Self-Service Platform for Linked Data 
Applications (Peter Haase, Michael Schmidt and Andreas Schwarte)

Vision Papers:
* A Research Agenda for Linked Closed Dataset (Marcus Cobden, Jennifer Black, 
Nicholas Gibbins, Les Carr and Nigel Shadbolt)

* Towards Green Linked Data (Julia Hoxha, Anisa Rula and Basil Ell)

COLD 2011 will be co-located with the 10th International Semantic Web 
Conference (ISWC) [2] in Bonn, Germany, and will be held on Oct. 23, 2011.
To attend the workshop , register for the conference using the ISWC 
registration system [3]. Deadline for the early registration is Sep. 10, 2011.

We are looking forward to see you in Bonn.

Olaf (on behalf of the COLD 2011 organizing committee)


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 14:19:34 UTC