
Unfortunately, the ISWC2011 web site is currently down but, I presume, it will be up again soon. Worth looking at:


In short: Xing Niu et al, from APEX lab Shanghai and Southeast University, created a Chines equivalent to DBPedia, combining the Chinese Wikipedia, and two Chinese only on-line and community driven encyclopedia, namely Baidu Baike and Hudong Baike. I am not sure of the exact numbers, but the combined result, under the name of Zhishi.me, is of the same magnitude in size than dbpedia. Just like dbpedia acted as a seed for the LOD, the idea is that zhishi.me will act as a seed to pull in more linked data from China.

Although the paper talks about a CLOD, for Chinese Linked Open Data, I would hope and prefer that the CLOD and the LOD will not be different clouds but rather one big cloud regardless of language. But I am sure it will be a major addition to the LOD...


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Friday, 28 October 2011 14:39:16 UTC