Re: [HTTP-range-14] Hyperthing: Semantic Web URI Validator (303, 301, 302, 307 and hash URIs)

Tom and Yang, hello.

On 2011 Oct 17, at 14:26, Tom Heath wrote:

> Contrary to Rob's
> experience in another thread, I've never found people to have a
> problem understanding the rationale for 303 redirects, in all the
> "Intro to Linked Data" type talks I've done (for geeks and non-geeks
> alike).

I've done far fewer talks of this type than Tom has, but I've never found anyone having difficulty here, either.  Mind you, I never talk of 'information resource' or httpRange-14.

For what it's worth, I generally say something along the lines of "This URI, X, is the name of a galaxy.  If you put that URI into your browser, you can't get the galaxy back, can you, because the galaxy is too big to fit inside your computer.  So something different has to happen, doesn't it?"  A remark about Last-Modified generally seals the deal.

Am I doing something wrong?

> Either way, this kind of visual explanation does bring a lot
> of extra clarity, IMHO. Question: is there a better term than
> "identifies" to label the arc between "Returned Document URI" and
> "Number of Triples" at the bottom of the page.

How about 'identifies document'?  This hints at the symmetry you're looking for in the doubled use of 'identifies', whilst perhaps reinforcing the IR/NIR distinction.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 13:58:52 UTC