SmartLink released

[apologies for cross-posting]

Dear all,

On the occasion of this years Extended Semantic Web Conference, we would 
like to announce publicly the release of SmartLink [1], which will also 
be presented during the ESWC demo session later today.

Smart Link is short for "SeMantic Annotation enviRonmenT for Linked
Services". Simply put, it is an easy-to-use Web application aiding users 
in the creation and browsing of Linked Data about Web APIs & services. 
To this end, SmartLink allows API or service providers to describe and 
expose services based on rich and interlinked Linked Data. Amongst other 
things, SmartLink provides an interface to populate and navigate RDF 
service annotation repositories, such as iServe [2] and a dedicated 
SmartLink repository covering services non-functional properties (NfP).

SmartLink builds on existing technologies and standards to enable wide
reach of its annotations. Users can annotate arbitrary APIs and services 
- whether REST-ful or WSDL/SOAP-based - via a simple Web editor. 
Annotations are stored in an RDF store following established service 
schemas (e.g., WSMO-Lite, Minimal Service Model). In addition, SmartLink 
extends those schemas with a simple RDF schema for non-functional 
properties [3] which makes use FOAF, DC, SAWSDL or the CommonTag 
ontology to support interoperability. Storage of annotations is spread 
across two public RDF-stores: iServe handles all functional properties 
while an additional SmartLink-specific store (see [4]) hosts further 
non-functional descriptions. A unified interface to store and query 
annotations across both repositories is provided by the SmartLink editor 
and annotation interface [5].

For more details please have a look at or
meet us during the ESWC demo session later today, should you happen to
be around.


the SmartLink team


Dr. Stefan Dietze
Knowledge Media Institute,
The Open University,
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1908 858217
Fax: +44 (0) 1908 653169

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 08:52:33 UTC