Call for papers: Semantic Web Journal special issue on Linked Data for science and education

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Call for papers

Semantic Web Journal special issue on
Linked Data for science and education

The number of universities, research organizations, publishers and
funding agencies contributing to the Linked Data cloud is constantly
increasing. The Linked Data paradigm has been identified as a
lightweight approach for data dissemination and integration, opening
up new opportunities for the organization, integration, archiving and
retrieval of research results and educational material. Obviously,
this novel approach also raises new challenges regarding the
integrity, adoption, use and sustainability of contents. A number of
case studies from universities and research communities already
demonstrate that Linked Data is not merely a novel way of exposing
data on the Web, but that its principles help integrating related
data, connecting scientists working on related topics, and improving
scientific and educational workflows. The next challenges in creating
a true Web of scientific and educational data include dealing with
provenance, mapping vocabularies (i.e., ontologies), and
organizational issues such as assessing costs and ensuring persistence
and performance. In this special issue of the Semantic Web Journal, we
want to collect the state of the art in Linked Data for science and
education and identify upcoming challenges, focussing on technological
aspects as well as social and legal implications.

Topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:

- Linked Data for
   - dissemination and archiving of research results
   - course organization
   - educational resources
   - eLearning
   - social environments for learning and research
   - collaboration and research networks
   - meeting and schedule coordination
   - research data management
   - reproducible research
   - learning and research analytics
- Case studies on implementing Linked Data in
   - universities
   - research projects
   - libraries
   - publishers
   - archives
   - funding organizations
   - scientific processes
- Establishing standard vocabularies for science and education
- Vocabularies for educational and scientific disciplines
- Studies of the role of
   - Publishers in the Web of Data
   - Linked Data in Open Access publishing
- Privacy issues -- Linked Data vs. Linked Open Data in eduction
- Legal, ethical and economic aspects of Linked Data in science and 

We are looking for high-quality papers documenting original and
unpublished research on topics related to this special issue. Authors
should follow the Semantic Web Journal's submission guidelines (see and prepare their papers
in IOS Press format. Submissions will be handled through the journal's
online submission system (see
The Semantic Web Journal is based on an open review process, which
also applies for this special issue.

Important Dates

- Deadline for submissions: May 31
- Reviews due: July 15
- Final versions of accepted papers due: August 12

Guest Editors

Carsten Keßler
Muenster Semantic Interoperability Lab (MUSIL)
Institute for Geoinformatics
University of Muenster

Mathieu d'Aquin
Knowledge Media institute
The Open University

Stefan Dietze
Knowledge Media institute
The Open University

Guest Editorial Board members
- Lora Aroyo, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Sören Auer, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Jan Brase, German National Library of Science and Technology
- Dan Brickley, W3C & Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
- Ian Davis, Talis, Birmingham, UK
- Makx Dekkers, Europeana Project, Barcelona, Spain
- Malte Dreyer, Max Planck Digital Library, Germany
- Kai Eckert, Mannheim University Library, Germany
- Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University & Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Stefan Gradmann, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany
- Thomas Hickey, Online Computer Library Center, Dublin, Ohio, USA
- Anja Jentzsch, Free University of Berlin, Germany
- Eleni Kaldoudi, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
- Werner Kuhn, University of Muenster, Germany
- Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center, Germany
- Mikael Nilsson, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Jan Velterop, Concept Web Alliance, The Netherlands
- Fridolin Wild, The Open University, UK

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Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 14:11:28 UTC