CFP: Research Papers Track - 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011)

Call for Papers: Research Papers Track
10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011)
October 23 - 27, 2011
Bonn, Germany

The research track is the core and technical anchor of the ISWC conference
series, whose goal is presentation of novel and innovative research that
demonstrates new trends or addresses scientific challenges for the Semantic
Web.  Traditionally, this track has included papers addressing logic-based
or statistical reasoning on the web of data, new approaches in distributed
computing, web engineering, information systems, natural language processing
and artificial intelligence, as well as successful results in new
application areas, and solutions for the presentation of and interaction
with the web of data.

To encourage awareness of new lines of semantic web research, we are
introducing two cross-cutting themes for 2011: Citizen Users and Rules.
Authors will be asked in their submissions to identify these themes in the
list of keywords when applicable.  Citizen Users papers should create or
reuse personas from the ISWC persona archive that identify characteristics
of users that would be interested in the technology or research results
reported in the paper. Rules papers should identify ways in which the use of
rule interchange or new rule-based dialects would benefit the work reported
in the paper. Note that we are encouraging authors of all papers to think
about these themes, not only papers about user studies or rules.

The ISWC 2011 research track solicits the submission of original research
papers dealing with analytical, theoretical, empirical, and practical
aspects of all areas of Semantic Web research. Papers in the research track
are expected to clearly present their contribution and to provide some
principled means of evaluation. We especially encourage papers that ensure
the repeatability of their experiments and share with the community their
data and test harnesses.

To maintain the high level of quality and impact of the ISWC series all
papers will be reviewed by three program committee members and one vice
chair of the program committee. To assess papers, reviewers will judge their
originality and significance for further research or practice related to the
Semantic Web, as well as the technical soundness of the proposed approaches
and the overall readability of the submitted papers. Specific attention will
be given to the evaluation of the approaches described in the papers. We
strongly encourage evaluations that are repeatable. Depending on the type of
the paper and the proposed approach, indications for repeatability may vary:
papers describing work with an empirical basis may want to provide web
access to training/test data, experimental results, or supporting movies (as
supplementary data); papers describing case studies may link to case study
journals for deeper insights; papers describing systems may provide download
of the software or a Web client together with full assessments in user
studies; papers describing new algorithms may want to provide the algorithm
in source code and in an easy-to-install manner.

Important Dates

Abstracts due: 16 June 2011, 23:59 (11:59pm) Hawaii time
Submissions due: 23 June 2011, 23:59 (11:59pm) Hawaii time
Notification: 8 August 2011
Camera-ready: 28 August 2011

No extensions of the submission deadline will be granted.

Topics Of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Management of Semantic Web Data
 - Languages, tools, and methodologies for representing and managing
Semantic Web data
 - Database, IR, and AI technologies for the Semantic Web
 - Search, query, integration, and analysis on the Semantic Web
 - Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web
 - Cleaning, assurance, and provenance of Semantic Web data, services, and
 - Principles and applications of very large Semantic Web data bases
 - Semantic wikis
 - Evaluation of semantic web technology,

* Natural Language Processing
 - Machine learning and information extraction for the Semantic Web
 - Semantic web population from the human web
 - Exploiting tags, categories, wikis for the semantic web
 - Application of semantic web to NLP

* Ontologies and Semantics
 - Specific ontologies and ontology patterns for the semantic web
 - Ontology methodology, evaluation, reuse, extraction, and evolution
 - Ontology modularity, mapping, merging, and alignment
 - Searching for and ranking ontologies
 - Reasoning over Semantic Web data
 - New formalisms for Semantic Web (such as probabilistic approaches)
 - Lightweight semantics (linked data, microformats, etc.)

* Semantic Web Engineering
 - Methods for Semantic Web application development
 - Tools for Semantic Web application development
 - Evaluation of Semantic Web technologies or data
 - Including legacy applications into the Semantic Web

* Social Semantic Web
 - Social networks and processes on the Semantic Web
 - Semantic Web technologies for collaboration and cooperation
 - Representing and reasoning about trust, privacy, and security
 - Modeling users and contexts in Semantic Web applications

* User Interfaces to the Semantic Web
 - Interacting with Semantic Web data
 - Semantic Web content creation and annotation
 - Mashing up Semantic Web data and processes
  - Novel interaction paradigms aimed at linked data
 - Semantic web applications to Web 2.0 sites
 - Natural language Semantic Web interfaces
 - Information visualization of Semantic Web data
 - Personalized access to Semantic Web data and applications

Submission of Abstracts and Papers

Pre-submission of abstracts is a strict requirement. All papers and
abstracts have to be submitted electronically via the Conference Submission
System. The submission system will be open for submissions soon.

All research paper submissions must be in English, and no longer than 16
pages. Papers that exceed this limit will be rejected without review.
Submissions must be in PDF formatted in the style of the Springer
Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For
details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions.

Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide semantic annotations
for the abstract of their submission, which will be made available on the
conference web site. Details will be provided at the time of acceptance.

Accepted papers will be distributed to conference attendees and also
published by Springer in the printed conference proceedings, as part of the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper

Prior Publication And Multiple Submission

ISWC 2011 will not accept research papers that, at the time of submission,
are under review for or have already been published in or accepted for
publication in a journal or another conference. The conference organizers
may share information on submissions with other venues to ensure that this
rule is not violated.

Submit a Poster or Demo together with your Accepted Research Paper

Authors of accepted papers are invited to submit also a poster or a demo to
the Posters and Demo track. The submission format is the same as for normal
poster and demo submissions but the submission must cite the accepted full
paper and include an explanation on what the demo or poster adds to the
research paper. Such added value could include:

 - extended results and experiments not presented in the conference paper
for space reasons, or a demo of a supporting implementation.
 - all such poster and demo submissions will undergo a common review process
respectively posters and demos.

Program Chairs

Lora Aroyo, Free University of Amsterdam
Chris Welty, IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2011 21:09:39 UTC