Re: Quick reality check please

On 21 Mar 2011, at 13:05, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> So I guess I need to do four patterns just to find all the exact "World Wide Web Consortium" English phrases (with and without @en and with and without datatype string).
> Is that really right?

Three -- you can't have both a datatype and a language tag on a literal.

This suggests two things:

1. xsd:string in RDF must die. It's one of those completely and utterly useless pieces of rubbish that litter the RDF specs.

2. If you publish in multiple languages, then perhaps it's a good idea to include a plain literal in a “default language” without a language tag, to make SPARQLing easy.

If publishers did that, we'd be back to one pattern.


Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 12:38:13 UTC