Loooking for high quality list of current, real countries

Hi guys,
I don't usually do this but I would like some help in finding a high
quality list of "current" ( not Sparta ) and "real" ( not Mordor )
countries with the following props:

* ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code
* English Name
* Flag
* Local Name ( optional )
* Language ( optional )
* Population ( optional )
* Facebook ID ( would be cool, but I imagine this is harder )

I am finding pieces of this dataset here and there ( DBPedia,
Freebase, CIAWFB, GeoNames ) with varying coverage and quality.
In case you are wondering: Yes, I *AM* trying to save myself some work ;)

Shameless crowd sourcing.


Aldo Bucchi

Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2011 06:02:32 UTC