Re: in RDF ...

On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 16:51 -0700, Pat Hayes wrote:
[ . . . ]
> Well, I am sympathetic to not defending HTTP-range-14 [ . . . ] but if
> so then we really ought to be doing that re-thinking in the RDF WG
> right now, surely? 

Let's be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath.  The
httpRange-14 rule is *fine*.  It is valuable, and should *not* be
discarded.  The problem only comes in attempting to *universally* assert
that the class of "information resource" (or foaf:Document) is disjoint
with anything else, such as by baking such a disjointness assertion into
the RDF specification or a TAG finding or the FOAF spec or similar.  

In other words, suppose the W3C codifies the httpRange-14 rule as
something like this, and this rule is universally adopted:

  { ... ?r awww:yieldsHttpResponseCode 200 . } 
      => { ?r a awww:InformationResource . } .

A rule like this would be great to standardize, and I and others have
made baby steps toward drafting what such a rule might look like.  But
the important thing is that awww:InformationResource *not* be
universally declared as disjoint with anything.  Rather, think of it as
a marker class:
It carries very little semantics in and of itself, but it provides an
important hook for attaching semantics downstream that particular
applications may need.  *Some* of those applications may need to declare
awww:InformationResource disjoint with foaf:Person, while others will
work fine allowing them to be conflated.

David Booth, Ph.D.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of his employer.

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 00:38:58 UTC