Defining "LD" (was Re: Branding?)

[cc'ing, this all seems to be drifting a little
beyond JSON scope - see [1], [2], [3] ]

"LD" meaning "Labeled and Directed" for JSON-LD works for me too.

But I don't see a problem with defining linked data as being all-URIs
(fully grounded, no bnodes or literals) just for spec purposes, it
does at least emphasize the key feature (although I'm still a fan of
bnodes :)

Is a graph solely comprised of bnodes linked data? Presumably not.

Is the result of merging an all-URI graph with an all-bnode graph
linked data? In general parlance and practice yes, but it doesn't
actually contain any more information than the first subgraph.

So what happens with a graph which contains something like:

<#uriA> :p1 _:x .
_:x :p2 <#uriB> .


It's tricky, the individual triples don't entirely fit with the 4
principles, together they kind-of do. But I certainly don't think we
need to leap to skolemization to make sense of this.

If the graph's on the Web as it should be, then it'll be named with a
URI, so we could get a "quasi-entailment" along the lines of:

<#graph> :contains <#uriA> .
<#graph> :contains <#uriB> .

or if you prefer to stay within the graph, something like:

<#uriA> :p1 _:x .
_:x :p2 <#uriB> .
<#uriA> rdfs:seeAlso <#uriB> .

Dunno, this might all just be angels on a pinhead stuff...




Received on Thursday, 28 July 2011 17:22:22 UTC