Re: [ANN] DBpedia Spotlight - Text Annotation with DBpedia Resources

Very very cool! I've been expecting something like this for a while. Glad
it's finally here!

Congrats guys!

Juan Sequeda

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Pablo Mendes <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> we are happy to announce a first release of DBpedia Spotlight - Shedding
> Light on the Web of Documents.
> The amount of data in the Linked Open Data cloud is steadily increasing.
> Interlinking text documents with this data enables the Web of Data to be
> used as background knowledge within document-oriented applications such as
> search and faceted browsing.
> DBpedia Spotlight is a tool for annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in
> text, providing a solution for linking unstructured information sources to
> the Linked Open Data cloud through DBpedia. The DBpedia Spotlight
> Architecture is composed by the following modules:
>     * Web application, a demonstration client (HTML/Javascript UI) that
> allows users to enter/paste text into a Web browser and visualize the
> resulting annotated text.
>     * Web Service, a RESTful Web API that exposes the functionality of
> annotating and/or disambiguating entities in text. The service returns XML,
> JSON or RDF.
>     * Annotation Java / Scala API, exposing the underlying logic that
> performs the annotation/disambiguation.
>     * Indexing Java / Scala API, executing the data processing necessary to
> enable the annotation/disambiguation algorithms used.
> More information about DBpedia Spotlight can be found at:
> DBpedia Spotlight is provided under the terms of the Apache License,
> Version 2.0. Part of the code uses LingPipe under the Royalty Free License.
> The source code can be downloaded from:
> The development of DBpedia Spotlight was supported by:
>     * Neofonie GmbH, a Berlin-based company offering leading technologies
> in the area of Web search, social media and mobile applications (
>     * The European Commission through the project LOD2 – Creating Knowledge
> out of Linked Data (
> Lots of thanks to:
>     * Andreas Schultz for his help with the SPARQL endpoint.
>     * Paul Kreis for his help with evaluations.
>     * Robert Isele and Anja Jentzsch for their help in early stages with
> the DBpedia extraction framework.
> Cheers,
> Pablo N. Mendes, Max Jakob, Andrés García-Silva and Chris Bizer.

Received on Monday, 14 February 2011 18:42:56 UTC