Re: 15 Ways to Think About Data Quality (Just for a Start)

> Nothing about the DBMS hosting the datasets (where each has a Named Graph
> IRI) prevents the beholder or consumer from achieving the following via the
> available data access endpoints:
> 1. Accessing and altering the source query or SPARQL protocol URL

I tried clicking your "OpenLink Data Explorer" link to do this, and got a
page with broken graphics and a frozen "loading.." indicator. Tried again
and got to a Data Explorer page that says "0 records (0 triples, 0
properties) match selected filters. Nothing to display. Perhaps your filters
are too restrictive?" So I'd say "something" is preventing the beholder from
achieving this.

2. Adding or removing pragmas re. inference context (owl:sameAs expansion,
> invocation of fuzzy InverseFunctionalProperty rules, or combination of both)
> as part of the view alteration quest outlined above

I went to the Settings page to check this out, and found the "owl:sameAs"
toggle. Of course, it's unchecked, despite all those sameAs relationships
showing up, and when I check it they go away, so you've wired the setting
backwards. Nice job.

3. Viewing original or actual query results via alternative tools that can
> process HTTP response payloads -- remember nothing about SPARQL mandates RDF
> as sole query results format across SELECT, DESCRIBE, or CONSTRUCT queries
> 4. Sharing new query, new result set, new data presentation etc.. via a URL
> as part of an evolving conversation about the data in question.

These are great. I support HTTP access, multiple formats, and
URL-addressable queries/results/views.

Remember, I do espouse to the mantra: Data is like Wine while Application
> code is like Fish. A Good (Cool) URL or URI should be able to stand the test
> of time :-)


Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 19:26:07 UTC