Re: 15 Ways to Think About Data Quality (Just for a Start)

On 4/12/11 10:08 AM, glenn mcdonald wrote:
>     But who ever told you, or inferred to you, that any LOD demo is
>     about the "Complete Linked Data Experience" let alone the
>     "Complete Data Experience".
> I didn't capitalize those. A human's experience of data is the product 
> of the underlying data and the tool/experience/interface through which 
> they see it.

Via their own inherently subjective "context lenses".

>     Excel the pathetic dominates the world of spreadsheets. Nuff said.
> And yet, you don't seem to have dissolved your company, therefore you 
> don't actually think Excel is the end of all conversations.

Don't get your point.

We build data access, integration, and management technology. All 
spreadsheets are interesting to use as consumers and presenters of data. 
That's it.

On your part, you claim Excel is pathetic. My question to you is: what's 
your alternative? How come it hasn't exploited the massive opportunity 
at hand? Bottom, your subjective comments about Excel or any other 
product are unwarranted.

Look, can't we just have a civil debate? Disagreements and debates are 
healthy in any realm.

>     Did write an alternative? Why isn't the world using your
>     alternative if such a thing exists. Bearing in mind the huge
>     market share of Excel why are you overlooking the massive
>     opportunity to cleanup via your superior product?
> I wasn't making any claims about my project in this thread. But Needle 
> and Google Refine are two examples of attempts to do data-management 
> tools with more of a focus on cleanup and curation.

Google Refine != Excel. That isn't why Excel exists. This is one of 
those context infidelity examples again. My reference to "Excel" was 
about separating an application that can consume data from the 
technology that delivers data to it, and the actual originating sources 
of said data. Your response was to denigrate Excel, rather that attempt 
to grasp my point.

>     What is a Data Tool? Again, 100% subjective.
> I don't think I know what you mean by the word "subjective".

Clearly not. And maybe therein lines the problem. Subjective implies 
"your world view". Example: you see Google Refine vs Excel as an "Apples 
vs Apples" comparison re. Data Reconciliation matters.

>>     E.g., Danny Ayers yesterday was trying to make a SPARQL query for
>>     Wordnet that found the planets in the solar system that aren't
>>     named after Roman gods. But neither he nor I could find any way
>>     in the data to distinguish actual planets in the list of solar
>>     bodies, so we couldn't quite make it right.
>     And did you post a callout here or on Twitter or anyone else for
>     other folks to chime in?
> Yes, Danny asked the question on Twitter and on his blog. I saw it and 
> answered it. Nobody else "chimed in".

Twitter link? I know Rob Vesse has already chimed in with a suggestion, 
but the call-out link is still interesting :-)



Kingsley Idehen 
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 14:28:59 UTC