Re: What would you do with free pictures of everything on Earth?

Hi Paul,

Great work. Content-type specialized linked data is very, very cool.

I've been testing linking into your data a bit these past few days and
am hoping your call for feedback below has not expired!

Please forgive me if I've misunderstood intended use of your
mapping/work and I realize some of these issues might also be due to
your upstream sources, eg. dbpedia/freebase.

Here are some things I've tried / come across so far:

1) Wikipedia redirect links (owl:sameAs) don't seem to be

2) Several "common" places are missing data:[KEY]&query_uri=,_Massachusetts[KEY]&query_uri=,_Florida

I'm not sure this next stuff is really necessary if the above gets
solid, however, I'll include these ideas here too:

3) (obligatory) SPARQL endpoint!!!
4) search using <{lat,long}>
(results by distance)
5) follow links
6) link from

Best wishes and thanks for this excellent contribution!

Joe Presbrey

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Paul Houle <> wrote:
> My new site
> uses information extraction and other semantic tech to create a photo atlas
> of the world which is indexed to terms from the semantic web.  Currently
> topics in Ookaboo,  such as
> are linked to terms from the LOD,  such as Dbpedia and Freebase.  I'm
> currently publishing RDFa metadata -- of course,  I'm very aware that I
> could be doing a better job in this department.  In addition to the RDFa
> metadata,  Ookaboo also has an JSON-based API that makes it easy to look up
> photos related to a linked data term:
> Anyway,  one of my major priorities is to get people actually using the RDFa
> data and/or the JSON API -- I'm interested in talking with anybody who can
> use images to illustrated linked data and I'm willing to make the changes to
> make things work.  Any comments?

Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2010 21:06:54 UTC