Re: New LOD ESW wikipage about Data Licensing

An idle thought. Suppose I take two datasets, licensed
differently, and combine them. Maybe I do something
clever to capture provenance information in how they
are combined (a combination of opmv and evopat comes
to mind). If the licenses are defined at a suitable
granularity (is the cc vocabulary enough?) I can then
derive the the resulting terms by doing something like
the intersection of rights granted in the source

So (copyleft \cap public domain) = copyleft, etc.

I wonder about constructing inference rules for this...

If the combination is done in a way that is reversible,
simply selecting some triples from different sources,
for example, rather than putting provenance and
license information on graphs [0], putting it on
individual triples might be nice. But then we need
some token for a triple, ideally in a global way where
if the same triple occurs independently in two places,
two people making tokens for it will end up with the
same token...

Hrmmm... As I said, idle thoughts...


[0] I'm not sure "graph" isn't a misnomer, or at least
loose language. An RDF graph is a set, I think, and
you can make a "standard" graph relative to a predicate
by taking vertices from subject and object and
edges from IEXT(predicate). Is this spliting hairs?

William Waites                       <>
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Received on Sunday, 19 September 2010 10:45:38 UTC