- From: Peter DeVries <pete.devries@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 14:48:41 -0500
- To: public-lod@w3.org
- Message-ID: <AANLkTinfE9iyntpzEiczxMgNyv2u4p5=LcZ_5xDjV9AE@mail.gmail.com>
I created the SPARQL query below for the TaxonConcept Knowledge Base. It is based on the earlier one posted by Richard Cyganiak. I looked through my RDF for predicates that have in and out links to other data sets. It is not clear to me how to count basic web pages that are not really RDF resources. Also where in the CKAN description do you differentiate between in links and out links? I am posting the query and results here so others might benefit from them or inform me of something I may be doing incorrectly. Below is the query, after that follows the results as text and I have also attached a .png of the Virtuoso iSPARQL results. - Pete * * PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> PREFIX txn: <http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ontology/txn.owl#> PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> PREFIX umbel: <http://umbel.org/umbel#> SELECT ?domain_s ?domain_o (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { { SELECT (bif:regexp_substr("http://([^/]*)", STR(?s), 1) AS ?domain_s) (bif:regexp_substr("http://([^/]*)", STR(?o), 1) AS ?domain_o) WHERE { { ?s owl:sameAs ?o } UNION { ?s skos:exactMatch ?o } UNION { ?s skos:broadMatch ?o } UNION { ?s skos:narrowMatch ?o } UNION { ?s skos:relatedMatch ?o } UNION { ?s skos:closeMatch ?o } UNION { ?s txn:speciesConceptHasSpeciesNameString ?o } UNION { ?s txn:speciesNameStringHasSpeciesTaxonConcept ?o } UNION { ?s txn:speciesConceptHasBasionymNameString ?o } UNION { ?s txn:basionymNameStringHasSpeciesTaxonConcept ?o } UNION { ?s txn:hasPDFVersion ?o } UNION { ?s txn:hasAuthorURI ?o } UNION { ?s foaf:page ?o } UNION { ?s foaf:topic ?o } UNION { ?s txn:inDBpediaClade ?o } UNION { ?s txn:occurrenceInContinent ?o } UNION { ?s txn:occurrenceInStateProvince ?o } UNION { ?s txn:occurrenceInCounty ?o } UNION { ?s txn:isExpectedIn ?o } UNION { ?s txn:hasExpectationOf ?o } UNION { ?s txn:isUnknownAboutIn ?o } UNION { ?s txn:hasUnknownExpectationOf ?o } UNION { ?s txn:isUnexpectedIn ?o } UNION { ?s txn:hasUnknownExpectationOf ?o } } } } GROUP BY ?domain_s ?domain_o * * *==============================* * * *domain_s** **domain_o** **count* lod.geospecies.org lod.taxonconcept.org 71757 www.uniprot.org lod.taxonconcept.org 23427 bio2rdf.org lod.taxonconcept.org 23427 dbpedia.org lod.taxonconcept.org 18849 eunis.eea.europa.eu lod.taxonconcept.org 2987 www.bbc.co.uk lod.taxonconcept.org 318 lod.taxonconcept.org lod.geospecies.org 71756 lod.taxonconcept.org www.uniprot.org 23427 lod.taxonconcept.org bio2rdf.org 23656 lod.taxonconcept.org dbpedia.org 95208 lod.taxonconcept.org eunis.eea.europa.eu 5974 lod.taxonconcept.org www.bbc.co.uk 636 rdf.freebase.com lod.taxonconcept.org 119 lod.taxonconcept.org 72 lod.taxonconcept.org rdf.freebase.com 119 lod.taxonconcept.org 24900 sw.opencyc.org lod.taxonconcept.org 24 lod.taxonconcept.org sw.opencyc.org 24 lod.taxonconcept.org gni.globalnames.org 73329 gni.globalnames.org lod.taxonconcept.org 73330 lod.taxonconcept.org www.americanarachnology.org 1 lod.taxonconcept.org assets.geospecies.org 3 lod.taxonconcept.org www.itis.gov 42100 lod.taxonconcept.org data.gbif.org 1154 lod.taxonconcept.org en.wikipedia.org 18849 lod.taxonconcept.org species.wikimedia.org 9328 lod.taxonconcept.org www.eol.org 579 lod.taxonconcept.org www.boldsystems.org 122 lod.taxonconcept.org www.catalogueoflife.org 53 lod.taxonconcept.org bugguide.net 3297 lod.taxonconcept.org lod.taxonconcept.org 287048 assets.geospecies.org media.geospecies.org 5 lod.taxonconcept.org mushroomobserver.org 5 assets.geospecies.org lod.geospecies.org 10 assets.geospecies.org lod.taxonconcept.org 1 static.flickr.com www.flickr.com 33 bugguide.net lod.taxonconcept.org 3297 media.geospecies.org lod.taxonconcept.org 19 ocs.geospecies.org lod.taxonconcept.org 26 media.geospecies.org dbpedia.org 14 assets.geospecies.org dbpedia.org 1 media.geospecies.org lod.geospecies.org 37 mushroomobserver.org lod.taxonconcept.org 5 media.geospecies.org media.geospecies.org 29 ocs.geospecies.org ocs.geospecies.org 53 media.geospecies.org assets.geospecies.org 15 media.geospecies.org static.flickr.com 2 mushroomobserver.org mushroomobserver.org 3 mushroomobserver.org dbpedia.org 1 ocs.geospecies.org sws.geonames.org 39 lod.taxonconcept.org sws.geonames.org 234792 sws.geonames.org lod.taxonconcept.org 128529 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pete DeVries Department of Entomology University of Wisconsin - Madison 445 Russell Laboratories 1630 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <http://www.taxonconcept.org/> / GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://lod.geospecies.org/> About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://about.geospecies.org/> ------------------------------------------------------------
- image/png attachment: interlinking_capture.png
Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 19:49:17 UTC