empirical cloud

The discussion about updating the Linking Open Data cloud got me
thinking it would be interesting to try to visualize the actual
owl:sameAs links in the Billion Triple Challenge dataset [1]. It
turned out to be relatively easy to get something somewhat workable
with tools like zgrep, sort, uniq, a couple of custom scripts, and the
handy ProtoVis library [2].

You can view the result at:


If you notice the links to the rdf/xml and Turtle you'll see I tried
my hand at representing the underlying data using void, foaf and
dcterms. There's definitely room for improvement, so if you are so
inclined please tinker with it and send me a pull request on GitHub
[3]. Thanks to Gunnar Grimnes and Dan Brickley for ideas and help.


[1] http://challenge.semanticweb.org/
[2] http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/
[3] http://github.com/edsu/empirical-cloud

Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2010 07:00:24 UTC