Re: AW: ANN: LOD Cloud - Statistics and compliance with best practices

> The Web of documents is an open system built on people agreeing on  
> standards
> and best practices.
> Open system means in this context that everybody can publish content  
> and
> that there are no restrictions on the quality of the content.
> This is in my opinion one of the central facts that made the Web  
> successful.
> +10000000000
> The same is true for the Web of Data. There obviously cannot be any
> restrictions on what people can/should publish (including, different
> opinions on a topic, but also including pure SPAM). As on the  
> classic Web,
> it is a job of the information/data consumer to figure out which  
> data it
> wants to believe and use (definition of information quality =  
> usefulness of
> information, which is a subjective thing).
> +10000000000

The fact that there is obviously a lot of low quality data on the  
current Web should not encourage us to publish masses of low-quality  
data and then celebrate ourselves for having achieved a lot. The  
current Web tolerates buggy markup, broken links, and questionable  
content of all types. But I hope everybody agrees that the Web is  
successful because of this tolerance, not because of the buggy content  
itself. Quite to the contrary, the Web has been broadly adopted  
because of the lots of commonly agreed high-quality contents.

If you continue to live the linked data landfill style it will fall  
back on you, reputation-wise, funding-wise, and career-wise. Some  
rules hold in ecosystems of all kinds and sizes.



Received on Friday, 22 October 2010 14:02:30 UTC