Re: Summary for Extending geo for Areas with a Radius, Test Vocabulary and Sample RDF

  On 10/11/10 4:54 PM, Peter DeVries wrote:
> Thanks very much Kingsley,
> I thought I should better check that I have interpreted you suggestion 
> correctly.
> For the vocabulary that I have made, I need to add the following 
> statements?
> <> rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> <> 
> rdfs:isDefinedBy <>
> <> 
> rdfs:isDefinedBy <>
> In reading the rdfs documentation, it appears as if I should also be 
> making statements about the other vocabularies.
> It is not quite clear to me when it is proper to make statements about 
> other vocabularies in your own vocabulary
> So I am asking for your guidance. :-)
> Do I also add the following?
> <> rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> < rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> < rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> < rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> < rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> as well as:
> <> rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> <> rdfs:isDefinedBy 
> <>
> Thanks :-)


In your ontology you should add a triple that associates your classes 
and properties to <>. 
Of course, you could also add the following:
To save time I've done the following via SPARUL re. URIBurner instance:

## updated graph <>

insert into <>
<> rdfs:isDefinedBy 

<> rdfs:isDefinedBy 

<> rdfs:isDefinedBy 

<> rdfs:isDefinedBy 

## updated graph <>

insert into <>
rdfs:isDefinedBy <>.

rdfs:isDefinedBy <>.


You can see the effects of these new triples at:


-- used this becuase there is more data and hardware behind this data 
space, so you get full effect

> - Pete
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Kingsley Idehen 
> < <>> wrote:
>     On 10/11/10 2:52 PM, Peter DeVries wrote:
>>     After reviewing the feedback I created a test vocabulary and RDF
>>     file.
>>     The test vocabulary is in it's own namespace and called dwc_area.
>>     It is here:
>>     The HTML Document is here
>> (For
>>     some reason protege did not include the imported geo vocabulary)
>>     I also made up a small test file that uses both the new geo URI
>>     and an shows the suggested way to include a radius measure.
>>     It is here:
>>     It should show up in Sindice soon, and already works in URIburner.
>>     (I did submit an earlier incorrect earlier version into Sindice
>>     that might still be cached)
>>     Here is what the RDF looks like in URIBurner
>>     <
>>     >
>>     To get to each of the three "Areas" you need to click on the
>>     links in the *topics* list
>>     ** Note that the final location of the vocabulary is unclear. It
>>     will probably end up in the DarwinCore vocabular or in my txn
>>     vocabulary.*
>>     ** It might also make sense to keep it a separate?*
>     seeAlso the following:
>     1.
>     -- ODE view of the Ontology
>     2.
>     -- Alternative Descriptor Page
>     Peter: adding isDefinedBy relations across: Ontology, Classes, and
>     Properties, will make the ontology more navigable via #2 above. It
>     will also make the ontology URI a pivot point from the Classes and
>     Properties descriptor pages :-)
>>     [SNIP]
>>     - Pete
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Pete DeVries
>>     Department of Entomology
>>     University of Wisconsin - Madison
>>     445 Russell Laboratories
>>     1630 Linden Drive
>>     Madison, WI 53706
>>     TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <> /
>>     GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <>
>>     About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <>
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Kingsley Idehen	
>     President&  CEO
>     OpenLink Software
>     Web:
>     Weblog:  <>
>     Twitter/ kidehen
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Pete DeVries
> Department of Entomology
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
> 445 Russell Laboratories
> 1630 Linden Drive
> Madison, WI 53706
> TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <> / 
> GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <>
> About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------



Kingsley Idehen	
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 16:26:58 UTC